The library is located at 3 Beecher St. Atlanta, NY 14808. Contact the library: 585-534-5030.
E. J. Cottrell Memorial Library (Atlanta Library) was established in 1921.We have over 10,000 items for your borrowing pleasure, public computers, printing and fax services, many ongoing programs, and delivery service to homebound patrons. We are totally handicap accessible. As the first library in Western NY to become a Village Post Office (VPO).
Rob Harder, President
Amy Harter, Vice President
Phyllis Rathbun, Treasury
Gloria Jean Brunswick
Stacy Parks
Jessica Levinson
Judy Lynn
Board meetings are the 3rd Thursdays of January, April, July, and October at 6:00 pm at the library.
Rhonda Cordes, Director
Sue Becker, Assistant Librarian
Journey Giguere, Assistant Librarian PRN